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5 Top Weight Loss Apps for a New You This Year

5 Top Weight Loss Apps for a New You This Year

Want to lose the “Covid 19”pounds you’ve gained during the past year in quarantine? You’re not alone. While comfort foods may have increased in your diet during 2020, the new year is a time to resurrect your healthy meals plan and shed some of those gained pounds....

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5 Fitness Apps for the New Year, New You!

5 Fitness Apps for the New Year, New You!

If ever there is a year when we want to create and inspire significant change, it’s this year. Remember: Change begins with you. How will you focus on improving yourself and your lifestyle to feel better, become more healthful, and maybe even inspire others to...

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How To Read Nutrition Labels For Good Health

How To Read Nutrition Labels For Good Health

Do you read ingredient labels on packaged foods? They can feel confusing or misleading. Maybe you’re not sure what to look for or what’s important. Should you be counting calories? Watching fat intake? Tallying carbs? It’s enough to make you forget...

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6 Fantastic Holiday Superfoods

6 Fantastic Holiday Superfoods

December has arrived, and with it comes the longing for holiday traditions and family get-togethers. But pandemic precautions may prevent you from celebrating quite so closely this year. Since keeping your distance may mean you end up cooking holiday meals for just...

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4 Ways to Stay Ergonomically Aligned in Daily Life

4 Ways to Stay Ergonomically Aligned in Daily Life

You may be familiar with the term “ergonomics” from work, meaning you fit the task to the person rather than having the person strain into uncomfortable physical positions to accomplish their work. In an office setting, ergonomics involves your posture and...

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6 Tips For a Healthy, Ergonomic Work-from-Home Setup

6 Tips For a Healthy, Ergonomic Work-from-Home Setup

When the pandemic hit, and many of us were asked to work remotely, you may have thrown together your work-from-home “office” on the fly. We thought teleworking was a temporary solution. Fast-forward seven months, and remote work appears to be here to stay....

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4 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Weight in Kids

4 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Weight in Kids

The numbers don’t lie: Nearly one in five children has obesity, and the prevalence of childhood obesity is on the rise. It’s time to take a close look at what you, as a parent or guardian, can do to promote a healthy weight for your child. The Way to...

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Childhood Obesity: Is Your Child at Risk?

Childhood Obesity: Is Your Child at Risk?

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. It’s a critically important problem: Since the early 2000s, childhood obesity has been a growing issue nationwide. A 2015-2016 Health and Nutrition survey, released by the National Center for Health...

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7 Ways to Correct “Tech Neck” (Forward Head Posture)

7 Ways to Correct “Tech Neck” (Forward Head Posture)

In our previous post, we explored the symptoms and causes of forward head posture—also called “tech neck.” This shoulder-slouching, neck-craning posture is one result of our modern lives spent on cell phones, playing video games, carrying heavy...

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Are You Suffering From “Tech Neck”?

Are You Suffering From “Tech Neck”?

You see it on a daily basis: People hunched over their phones or tablets, staring into the screens. You may even notice that you yourself get into that awkward, forward-leaning position. As you’re doing it, your head, neck and shoulders are slumped forward,...

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6 Sun Safety Tips for Summer

6 Sun Safety Tips for Summer

Now that summer weather is upon us and people are spending more time outside of their homes after months inside during the shutdown, it’s an excellent time to review solar safety tips and safe sun behaviors. The sun is the life force of our planet, and in small...

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How to Wear and Remove a Face Mask Safely

How to Wear and Remove a Face Mask Safely

It’s a strange new world where we are often asked to wear a face covering or mask to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Some policy experts predict we may be asked to wear masks for the next year, or even longer as we learn more about preventing and...

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Back to Balance
Osteopathic, Functional & Integrative Medicine

Annapolis , MD - 410.263.3313

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